Manufacturing Process



Product Development

Product development processes at Demirsoy Casting are divided into two categories: New Product Development and Product Improvement.

In new product development processes, rapid transition to mass production is facilitated through advanced technology. The prototype to be developed is produced using standard production processes as much as possible. Continuous communication with the customer is maintained throughout the new product development process to meet the customer's expectations regarding the new product.

Another important aspect of Product Development is continuous improvement efforts.

In this regard, continuous improvement activities are carried out in areas such as increasing model efficiency, optimizing casting times, reducing or eliminating the need for grinding operations, and improving process design.

Model Manufacturing

Demirsoy Casting conducts model and pattern box manufacturing in-house.

Improvements and regular maintenance of the models are also ensured by the relevant team.

In the model development process, SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDCAM Programs, as well as the equipment listed below, are used.

  • 1 unit of AWEA CNC vertical machining center
  • 1 unit of LITZ CNC vertical machining center
  • 1 unit of Bimaksan CNC Lathe
Customer Services DEMİRSOY CASTING
GCE Metal

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