Product Test Reports
Quality Control
Our Quality Policy
Our Environmental Policy
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

our occupational health and safety policy

Demirsoy Döküm is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and clean environment within its areas of service to its employees, customers, and the community.

Our primary goal of zero accident policy aims to minimize occupational diseases and injuries, create a healthy, safe, and peaceful working environment, ensure the safety of equipment and machinery used in the workplace, ensure the efficient use of existing energy sources, and make every effort to comply with Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental / Energy Legislation, and other applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We aim to instill in all our personnel and relevant parties, through necessary training, the fundamental duty of not endangering their own, other employees', and visitors' health and safety, and ensure the complete use of personal protective equipment.

Within all our services, we regularly conduct risk assessments related to risky situations and behaviors, prepare for emergencies, fire protection, prevention of prohibited chemical substance use, and especially aim to establish this climate by working with a preventive approach before solving problems, continuously increasing our health and safety level, efficiently using energy and natural resources, and constantly reducing waste.

Customer Services DEMİRSOY CASTING
GCE Metal

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